About the Author
Hudda Ibrahim is pursuing a Doctor of Education and Leadership degree at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. She’s a faculty member at St. Cloud Technical and Community College, where she teaches diversity and social justice. She holds a master’s degree in peace studies from the University of Notre Dame and a bachelor’s degree in peace and conflict studies and English literature from the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University in Minnesota.
On weekends, Hudda mentors a cohort of young Somali women. She strives to be known as an engaging and effective advocate for the educational and social needs of students and adults throughout an increasingly large and diverse community. In her spare time, she reads books and magazines.
Book Club
If you’re part of a book club, you’re in the right place! If you bought this book and you are interested in meeting me about future book clubs, I would be happy to join you. Meeting friends to drink coffee or tea while talking about this book sounds great to me.
If you’re part of a book club, this is your page. If you bought this book and you are interested in meeting me about future book club, I will join you. Meeting friends to drink coffee or tea while talking about this book sounds great to me.
Here are some questions to spur on great conversations.
- What is different from your own culture? What do you find most astonishing, fascinating or difficult to understand?
- Talk about specific passages that struck you as significant or interesting, profound, disturbing, or sad.
- What have you learned after reading this book, if so what, If not, why did the book failed as a teaching tool? Has it broadened or changed your perception about the new immigrant community?
- Have you learned anything new about yourself by reading this book? Please share.
- Has the book made you want to learn more about a specific topic? What? Why?
- If this book was intended to teach the reader something, did it do well?
- If the author raised / discussed problems or issues, did she also provide clear solutions? Do you agree with these solutions or are there other solutions out there that you know the author did not mention in her book?
- What suggestions do you have for the author?
- Do the topics covered in this book remind you of anything else that is happening in the world right now? How are they similar and how are they different?
- After reading the book, has the book Club group’s interest been piqued about the subject matter? If so, would the group contemplate reading more on the topic in the future?
- Did you know anything about barriers and challenges new immigrants face prior to reading this book? What preconceived opinions did you have and did these change after reading the book?
- What made this book different than other books on this subject?
Have a question for the author?
Email to info@huddaibrahim.com
If you’d like the feedback of the author through a live or Skype visit to your book club, email me.
From Somalia to Snow –Paperback

At a time when United States citizens are being told to fear their Muslim neighbors, where does the truth lie? In this powerful book, Hudda Ibrahim unpacks the immigration narrative of Somali Americans and explains why nearly 20 percent have chosen to settle in Minnesota.
From Somalia to Snow gives readers an invaluable insider’s look into the lives and culture of our Somali neighbors and the important challenges they face. Designed with a diverse audience in mind, this book is a must-read for students, health-care professionals, business owners, social service agencies, and anyone who wants to better understand Somali people in Minnesota.
Discover inside:
Why thousands of Somali refugees came to live in this cold, snowy area with people of predominantly European descent.
Answers to questions like, are Somali Americans contributing to the economy or draining resources from the community? Are they assimilating or trying to impose their culture and religion on American mainstream society?
The challenges facing Somali businesses and their growing role in Saint Cloud
An introduction to Somali culture, Islamic beliefs, and the roles they play in Somalis’ lives
Somali beliefs and practices regarding health, and some of the issues in their medical care
What Color is My Hijab?
(English Edition) Hardcover

“What Color is My Hijab?” is a children’s book written to inspire young people to achieve great things. This book is about more than just the hijab, it’s about teaching children the importance of diversity. It is also about how young girls can wear the headscarf and be somebody—be creative, smart, professional women when they grow up.
Beaver’s Pond Press released “What Color is My Hijab?” in April 2020. The book was written by Hudda Ibrahim and illustrated by Meenal Patel. Ibrahim says fulfilling her niece’s wish for a children’s book with characters that look like her wasn’t her only motivation for writing and publishing the book.
Learn inside:
If we teach kids about diversity when they are very young, when they get to college they will see others as the same rather than different.
What constitutes a hijab can be just as diverse as the women who wear it.
Little kids of all faiths, of all cultures, and all backgrounds can learn something about why their friends are wearing the headscarf.
Want to order Hudda’s books for your school, bookstore, nonprofit, or community center? The author is committed to contributing to the diversity in children’s literature and will offer bulk order discounts to any organization with the same mission.
Waa Midabkee Xijaabkaygu?
(Somali Edition) Hardcover

Maalin maalmaha ka mid ah ayaa waxaan wax la akhrinayay gabadha aan eeddada u ahay ee Tima waxaanay i weydiisay, “Eeddo Hudda, sidee ayay ku dhacday in dadka buugaagta ku jira aysan ii eekayn anniga? ” Waan naxay. Waxaan raadiyay buug ay Muslimiin ku jiraan, laakiin way igu adkaatay inaan helo buug muujinaya gabdho yaryar oo xijaaban. Xitaa waxaa kaba sii adkayd inaan helo buugaag ay jillayaan Muslimiin. Halkii aan ka quusan lahaa, waxaan go’aansaday inaan anniga laftaydu abuuro buug. Buug sidan oo kale ahi ma jirin markii aan ahaa gabadh yar. Markaad ku arki weydo dad adiga kuu eg buugaagta ama filimada, way adag tahay inaad hesho cid aad ku dayato. Waxaan rabaa in carruurta Muslimiinta ahi ay naftooda ka dhex arkaan sheekooyinka ay akhriyaan. Waxaan rajeynayaa inuu buugani ku dhiirrigelin doono gabdhaha Muslimiinta ah inay ku faanaan cidda ay yihiin, jeclaadaan waxa ay xidhaan, si ay u noqdaan farshaxan yaqaano, qorayaal, barayaal, ciyaartooy, moodeelo faashiyoon, duuliyeyaal-wax kasta oo ay rabaan inay noqdaan oo ay guuleystaan! Dhammaan waxyaabahaasna ay sameeyaan iyagoo xiran xijaabkooda.
Waa Midabkee Xijaabkaygu?
Xuquuqda qoraalka waxaa iska leh Hudda Ibrahim. Xuquuqda Farshaxanka waxa iska leh Meenal Patel. Waxa turjumay Saciid Saalax Axmed Qoraalka waxaa saxey Abdi Mahad
Want to order Hudda’s books for your school, bookstore, nonprofit, or community center?
Lula Wants To Wear a Badge Hardcover

On the first day of first grade, the teacher asks students what they want to be when they grow up. Lula proudly stands and says, “I want to be a cop.” She feels defeated when the kids laugh at the young, black Muslim girl and tell her girls can’t be police officers––but not for long! Find out how members of the local police department save the day in Lula Wants to Wear a Badge. This book is dedicated to my young sister, Lula. While growing up in San Diego, Lula wanted to become a cop, but she didn’t have our family’s support. Consequently, my sister did not pursue her dream. Now I have lots of young nieces who talk about wanting to become either a police officer, surgeon, or a firefighter because they want to help people. I wrote this book so they can imagine themselves in these professions and become inspired to do good out in the world, whatever career choice they make.
News & Events
Will be announced soon
Dave Kleis, mayor of Saint Cloud, Minnesota
"From Somalia to Snow: How Central Minnesota Became Home to Somalis provides a great understanding of Somali culture, tradition, religion, and issues of integration and assimilation. In addition, it enhances awareness of the challenges and barriers that the Somali community faces. The book sheds light on the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of the Somali people. The Somali experience is similar to the experiences of other immigrant and refugee groups. They, too, want to live the American Dream. I highly recommend this book to educational institutions, the business community, health-care departments, and anyone who works and continues to build for community.
Lee Morgan, president, Morgan Family Foundation
“Hudda Ibrahim has the gift of being able to communicate across ethnic, racial, gender, economic, generational, and political barriers with a level of intimacy that requires years of cross-cultural experience. This gift illuminates the expe¬rience of the Somali community in central Minnesota and is a must-read for anyone who seeks to understand Somali American challenges as well as the challenges faced by many of our most vulnerable neighbors.”
Bruce Mohs, school board member, Saint Cloud Area Schools, Saint Cloud, Minnesota
“From Somalia to Snow: How Central Minnesota Became Home to Somalis is a scholarly written manuscript which is equal parts information, inspiration, and instruction. The author helps to reset a community’s immigration narrative from ignorance to understanding, deficits to assets, scarcity to abundance, and fear to acceptance. In timely and import¬ant ways, this book is the collective story of all immigrant families who, throughout our nation’s history, have shown unyielding resolve and resilience in pursuing the American Dream! A great educational tool, this book should be on the collection shelves in all school and community libraries.”
Patti Gartland, president, Greater Saint Cloud Development Corporation
“Hudda Ibrahim has long served as an economic adviser to our greater Saint Cloud community, to Somali and greater Saint Cloud–area businesses, and to our foreign-born residents. And now, this talented, passionate young woman has gifted our community with her much-needed and long-awaited publication filled with personal and professional insights on the journey and challenges faced by Somali immigrants and refugees that have joined our community. Thank you, Hudda, for pouring your heart and soul into writing this book, From Somalia to Snow: How Central Minnesota Became Home to Somalis, and for being a trailblazer, a role model, and a community leader. But most of all, thank you for being a very dear friend.
Sangeeta Jhai, PhD, faculty and diversity coordinator, St. Cloud Technical and Community College
“Hudda Ibrahim’s book is a must-read because it is well researched, informative, holistic, and one of the best introductions to Somali culture for people of central Minnesota and beyond. Hudda writes with clarity, honesty, and integrity. Her very timely book is a valuable resource for the local community, for it strikes a wonderful balance between personal and professional narratives that capture critical information of her native cultural heritage.”
Jessica O'Reilly, assistant professor of international studies, Indiana University, Bloomington
“Ibrahim’s book fills a void between the scholarly literature on immigration to the United States and the practical, everyday lives of newcomers to the area as they integrate into their new communities—and as the more long-standing community members integrate to their new neighbors. If you are seeking to learn more about Somali Americans in central Minnesota, this book is an outstanding resource for learn¬ing about the history and cultural practices of Somali people. Ibrahim provides a clear pathway between Somali and central Minnesotan cultures as a knowledgeable interpreter of both groups. Her book is an excellent example of cultural translation and will be highly useful for many readers.”
Professor Robert W. Galler, St. Cloud State University
“Ibrahim’s work provides a needed examination of the complexities of Somali choices and experiences in central Minnesota. Based on numerous interviews as well as per¬sonal experiences, she clearly shows how Somali immigrant experiences are parallel and distinct from prior European immigrants to central Minnesota. Given her portrayal on individuals and locations in Saint Cloud and central Minnesota, this work is accessible for a broad audience of readers interested in humanizing the experiences of Somalis in the region and thereby debunking many problematic generalizations promoted in some segments of the media.”
Mark Jaede, assistant professor,St. Cloud State University
“This book fills an important need for Saint Cloud and the surrounding area. Working from numerous personal interviews and her own life experience, Ms. Ibrahim tells the story of one of the largest communities of Somali people in the United States. It should be required reading for anyone doing any form of community work in the area and belongs on the shelves of local school and public libraries. Its value, however, is not limited to the Saint Cloud region. Anyone interested in the Somali diaspora or in refugee and immigrant populations in general will benefit from reading this account of members of one community speaking in their own voices.”
Abdi Mahad, research analyst
“This interesting and informative book explains about Somali culture, with stories of Somali resettlement and business. The writer provides a thoughtful and relevant understanding into Somali people’s contemporary challenges and opportunities in central Minnesota. This book will become the key go-to resource for everyone in Minnesota or anywhere else in the United States.”
Would you like to book Hudda for a speaking engagement, school visit, or interview? Want to share how her books have influenced you? Maybe just want to say a happy hello? All messages are warmly welcomed! Please send a question or comment to Hudda Ibrahim email: info@huddaibrahim.com
To find out about Hudda's publisher, Diverse Voices Press, click here.
For website questions/comments email here: info@huddaibrahim.com